Is it possible to take the best bits of this model for other staff groups? How do we change our culture to appreciate, value and celebrate the great things we do more effectively? On that theme all staff groups highlighted a lack of positive feedback within the team; “the only positive feedback is the lack of negative feedback”. Who doesn’t like to be told they’ve done a good job or made a great decision or that their kindness has been noticed and appreciated? As humans we thrive on encouragement and positive words no matter what our exterior might say! There are loads of opportunities to spread some feedback love in the ED right now! Try a Greatix (like a datix but happier…see what we did there?!?), a thank you card or even toning down the cynicism to actually acknowledge “what went well” at the morning nursing briefing or contributing to the new “overnight success story” at medical handover. Look out for more feedback training for all staff roles and grades. Applying a little empathy to our colleagues and giving a little grace for those times when we make mistakes/snap our answer/forget to smile whilst calmly and politely objecting to and ‘calling’ unacceptable behaviour might make all of our lives a little happier. Sometimes empathy actually makes life a little tougher – like when we recognise we are not supporting our colleagues as we would like or providing the level of care we would expect because we are busy or have too many other demands. This has been expressed in the departmental burnout scores with all staff groups recognising that the team are working unbelievably hard without always the resources or support that they may need. The departmental scores are higher than those reported by individuals however and the ‘coffee room’ chat may play a part in this…. As Oprah says (!), “what we dwell on is what we become”. There was recognition that some of the band 6 nurses have had little or no management training and that there is a lack of protected time for management responsibility or development. Previous day with Dr Gurney had good feedback but more like this would be welcome. It was great to have representation from the receptionist team and they brought a variety of ideas and suggestions. From this meeting Suzy is looking to set up a ‘book drop’ in the waiting room and the TV for waiting room project is to be revitalised! There was talk around consistency of approach from medical and nursing staff towards the booking in of trauma patients and when reception staff request assistance for patients prior to triage. We are hoping to find a consultant to link with the reception team and work on some of these areas. They are geographically cut off from the rest of the department and we need to make sure all other staff groups support them. We all set the tone for behaviour within the department and must not tolerate or reward rude, aggressive behaviour from patients. We’d also love a member of the reception team to join the morning minors safety brief! So, take homes!
Sally Pearson / Annette Rickard
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October 2022